Neutron Transfer to the Ground State ofC14in theC13(N14,N13)C14Reaction

Thick targets of C13 (91.7%) were bombarded with N14 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge tandem Van de Graaff, and the cross section for the neutron-transfer reaction C13(N14, N13)C14 was measured from 12.5 to 20.5 MeV. The cross section measured in this energy range is due predominantly to transfer that proceed to the C14 ground state, since the threshold for the reaction to populate the 6.09-MeV first excited state is 17.6 MeV. The measured excitation function was then compared with cross sections calculated from the recent distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) treatment of Schmittroth, Tobocman, and Golestaneh. It was possible to find an optical potential for which the DWBA matched the observed excitation function above 14-MeV (lab) incident energy. From this fit the spectroscopic factor for the C14 ground state was determined. The excitation function for the compound-nucleus reaction C13(N14,2p)Na25 was also measured for N14 incident energies from 13.5 to 20.5 MeV.