A time-of-flight technique was used to find the Li7(p, n)Be7 threshold energy and an Al27(p, γ)Si28 resonant energy. Results place the Li7(p, n) threshold at 1879.8±0.3 keV and the Al27(p, γ) resonance at 991.6±0.2 keV. The lithium threshold was determined by use of a (yield)23 extrapolation. The aluminum resonant energy is taken as the half-height energy of a thick-target yield. Except for the earliest electrostatic analyzer results, there was good agreement with previous determinations of these energies. The proton beam was modulated at approximately 50 Mc/sec by use of an Einzel lens driven by a crystal controlled oscillator-amplifier at the ion source of an electrostatic accelerator. The time-of-flight equipment consisted of a drift tube of adjustable length, a "phase meter" employing a variable delay line, and two pickups consisting of tuned cylindrical tubes through which the proton beam passed. Frequency was measured by zero beating a variable-frequency crystal oscillator against the signal picked off the beam and counting the crystal frequency with a frequency counter standardized to WWV. The lithium and aluminum targets were protected from organic vapors by a concentric liquid nitrogen trap.