Dynamical Model of Hadrons with Fermion Quarks

A dynamical quark model of hadrons is constructed in terms of the usual triplet of fractionally charged spin-½ quarks (q). They have a light mass (300 MeV) and obey Fermi-Dirac statistics. In approximate nonrelativistic terms, the quark interactions are assumed to be described by a long-range effective single-particle Hartree potential with infinitely rising walls and by a strong short-range Yukawa-type one between quark pairs. These combine to prevent single-quark emission from a hadron and to give the observed early scaling and the asymptotic electromagnetic form factors 1t2. The energy-momentum propagating in the field between the interacting quarks is idealized as a virtual particle (the "core" of the baryon) so that the center of mass of the three quarks in the baryon and of the qq¯ in the meson is not constrained. Implications of this model are discussed—in particular, the baryon wave functions and energy spectrum, the form-factor behavior, the Adler anomaly for π02γ decay, and the hadronic interactions.