Effects of Exogenous Heparin on the Vasculogenesis of the Chorioallantoic Membrane

On the basis of the well-known stimulating role played by heparin on blood vessel neoformation in the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) demonstrated by means of slow-release polymers soaked in this substance and placed on CAMs, a new technique of introducing heparin directly into the allantoic sac is proposed. According to observations carried out in ovo and after fixation, morphological modifications are demonstrated in the developing vasculature of the heparin-treated CAMs which, compared with the control CAMs, show dilated and sinuous arterial and venous branches, denser and irregular capillary networks, and a high number of vascular primordia.The results, confirming that heparin is involved in angiogenesis, indicate the suitability of the technique and suggest that the effects of this substance could be enhanced by growth factors released by CAM tissues rapidly growing up from the 5th to the 7th incubation day.