The Beta-Spectrum of RaD

The electronic radiations from a very thin source of RaD are analyzed by means of a proportional counter, operating as a 2π spectrometer. The β-rays of the continuum which coincide with the photoelectrons of highest energy form the tail on the pulse distribution which is analyzed to isolate the β-particles and to compare their spectrum with Fermi theory. The disintegration energy is found to be 64.5±2.5 kev and the limiting energy of the β-rays = 18±2.5 kev. The form of the spectrum agrees with the theoretical shape for an allowed transition and E0=18 kev. The presence of a complex system of soft photoelectron peaks, probably emitted mostly in cascade, is deduced from the remarkable shape of the pulse spectrum at low energies (5 to 25 kev).

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