Crossover scaling functions for exchange anisotropy

The crossover behavior of the susceptibilities χαα of spin systems with anisotropic exchange coupling is discussed on the basis of an "extended" scaling hypothesis which gives χαα(T,g)AtγXα(Bgtφ), where g is the anisotropy parameter, t=(TTc0)Tc0, with Tc0 and γ being the iso tropic critical temperature, and susceptibility exponent, while A and B are model-dependent amplitudes. Analysis of high-temperature series expansions for χαα(T,g) as polynomials in g for rhombic and axial anisotropy in the fcc, bcc, and simple cubic classical Heisenberg (n=3) and classical XY and planar-spin models (N=2), verifies the scaling with crossover exponents φ=1.25±0.015 (n=3) and φ=1.175±0.015 (n=2). The universality of the scaling functions Xα(x) is demonstrated both for small x and in the anisotropic limit TTc(g), where xẋ; for n=3, accurate representations are constructed in the form Xα(x)Pα(xẋ)(1xẋ)γ̇, where γ̇ is the anisotropic susceptibility exponent, while Pα(z) varies smoothly from Pα(0)=1 to Pα(1)1.10.