Histochemical Studies on the Conjunctival Goblet Cells

The difference in the histochemical results between AB-PAS and PAS-AB sequence was studied in the conjunctival goblet cells of monkeys and rats by light microscopy. These sequences demonstrated the presence of different staining patterns of goblet cells in the conjunctiva. In the monkey conjunctiva, the results revealed at least two staining patterns by PAS-AB staining. The goblet cells, which were observed at troughs, showed magenta. The goblet cells, which were observed in the pits of the conjunctiva, showed alcianophilia. In the rats, the goblet cells which showed magenta and the goblet cells which showed alcianophilia were located together in the same gland bud. From the results obtained by the present experiments, it was concluded that the goblet cells of the conjunctiva of the monkey and the rat were grouped into at least two types by histochemical examination.