Blood Groups of Apes and Monkeys

The results of studies on the M-N blood factors of 44 chimpanzees, 10 gibbons, 9 orangutans and 1 gorilla are described. These confirm previous findings showing the existence of two blood types in chimpanzees, designated (MN1)Ch and (MN2)Ch. In tests with selected reagents the red cells of a single gibbon of subspecies Hylobates lar pileatus gave reactions resembling those of human type M blood while the blood from the 8 gibbons of subspecies Hylobates lar resembled human type N blood. The blood cells of the 10 orangutans tested failed to react with anti-Nv lectins. The red cells of the single gorilla studied had M-like blood factors. Tests with multiple reagents of each specificity, anti-M and anti-N, show the situation to be quite complex, with every species of ape having its own characteristic pattern of reactions different from those of the other apes and of man. The significance of the findings is discussed.