Influences of hexamethonium and some dietary factors on human pancreatic and bile secretion

Bile and pancreatic juice were collected from three patients. Each, following sphincterotomy and cholecystectomy, had been subjected to pancreatic and common bile duct intubation. Both milk and 1% dl–methionine by stomach tube increased the volume output of pancreatic juice and bile and also the concentration of amylase, lipase, and cholic acid, respectively. In the case of the pancreas these responses were not seen following hexamethonium but the biliary responses persisted unchanged. A watery decoction of rice increased the volume and enzyme output of the pancreas but did not affect the bile. Bile cholate and volume were increased by 20% glucose solution, water, and beer (5% alcohol). Pancreatic secretion (enzymes and volume) was inhibited by 20% glucose, unchanged by water and stimulated by beer. Submitted on February 13, 1961

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