Alteration of DNA Tertiary Structure by Physical and Chemical Carcinogens: Involvement in DNA Repair Processes

Parameters defining the topological state of DNA seem extremely important for describing the reactive state of the same DNA molecules. We have shown that physical and chemical DNA modifying agents alter the tertiary structure of DNA molecules. Variations in the tertiary structure of DNA were studied by one dimensional electrophoresis on an agarose gel of partially relaxed plasmid DNA topoisomers, a technique allowing the measurement of alterations in the degree of supercoiling equivalent to fractions of superhelical turns. Unwinding angles of -10.1° or -8.7“ per pyrimidine or thymine dimer respectively, of -12° per apurinic site, and of -3.4° per methylated purine were obtained by titrating the number of damaged sites necessary to reduce the number of superhelical turns by one in each topoisomer. On the contrary, enzymatic methylation of the C-5 position of cytosine (a modified base present in prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNAs) did not alter the DNA tertiary structure. We have also shown that local alterations in DNA structure caused by UV-irradiation inhibit bacterial DNA topoisomerase I and DNA methylase, and that the topological state of DNA substrate influences the mode of methylation of Hpa II DNA methylase. These findings suggest that the natural topological state of DNA substrate (linear, relaxed, or covalently closed duplex DNA with varying degrees of supercoiling) influences the mode of action of enzymes possibly involved in DNA repair processes, while DNA structural alterations caused by DNA modifying agents might influence DNA repair processes in two ways: either by driving the interaction between repair enzymes and the modified sites of DNA, or by inhibiting or changing the mode of action of enzymes normally acting on unmodified DNA.