Electric-quadrupole hyperfine interactions at ytterbium ions in thulium metal and Tm2 O3 have been investigated at 296°K using time-differential perturbed angular correlation in γ-ray cascades in Yb172. The ratio of the spectroscopic quadrupole moments of the 1174- and 79-keV states in Yb172 was measured to be Q(1174)Q(79)=1.33±0.15. Using this ratio and a value for Q(79) obtained from the Coulomb-excitation transition probability, the magnitudes of the electric-field-gradient (EFG) tensors are obtained. For ytterbium in thulium metal, the measured quadrupole interaction frequencies in the respective nuclear states are found to be ω0(1174)=(101±4)×106 rad/sec, ω0(79)=(190±19)×106 rad/sec, yielding for the magnitude of the largest component of the field gradient Vzz=(4.53±0.47)×1017 V/cm2 at 296°K, a value not significantly different from that found at thulium nuclei in thulium metal, indicating no significant ionic contribution to the EFG. In thulium sesquioxide, the corresponding values for the C2 site are ω0(1174)=(374±30)×106 rad/sec and ω0(79)=(701±56)×106 rad/sec, from which Vzz=(1.67±0.20)×1018 V/cm2. The anisotropy η expected from crystal-symmetry considerations is not observable within the experimental accuracy, and is probably small. The half-life of the 79-keV state in Yb172 was measured to be 1.80±0.05 nsec. Within the time range of the experiment, no time-dependent attenuations or aftereffects of preceding decay events were found.