Solution structure of [d(GGTATACC)]2: wrinkled D structure of the TATA moiety

Phase-sensitive two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect spectra of [d(GGTATACC)]2 in aqueous deuterium oxide solution at four mixing times were quantified to give all nonoverlapping cross-peak intensities. A structural model for [d(GGTATACC)]2 was built in which the GG- and -CC moieties were in the B-DNA form, while the middle -TATA- moiety was in the wrinkled-D form (BDB model). This model was subjected to energy refinement by molecular mechanics calculations with the program AMBER. Counterions (Na+) were added to neutralize the charges, and water molecules were placed bridging across the minor groove. A complete relaxation matrix analysis was used to calculate two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect spectra of [d(GGTATACC)]2 from the above models (before and after energy refinement) and from four other [d(GGTATACC)]2 structural models: regular A, crystalline A, regular B, and energy-minimized B. Among them, the energy-minimized BDB model yielded a set of theoretical spectra that gave the best fit to the experimental spectra. It was also the energetically most stable. Therefore, it is a good representation of the ensemble- and time-averaged structure of the octamer in solution. This model has backbone torsion angles similar to those of B-form DNA in the GA- and -CC moieties and torsion angles similar to those of wrinkled D form DNA in the -TATA- moiety. The base stacking and base pairing are not interrupted at the junctions between the two structural moieties. Its minor groove is narrower than that of B DNA, and the solvent-accessible surface of the minor groove forms a closed hydration tunnel in the middle -TATA- segment.