Optical analyses of radiation effects in ion-implanted Si: Fractional-derivative-spectrum methods

Fractional-derivative spectra (FDS) have been developed for studying radiation effects in crystals by monitoring the optical interband transitions at critical points. Optical spectra of E1 structure of As+-implanted Si, at doses from 3×1012 to 1×1016 ions cm2, have been analyzed with use of 3/2th-derivative spectra. Symmetric line shapes in the E1 region near 3.4 eV were found in the FDS both for crystalline and ion-implanted samples until the critical dose, above which the spectra became structureless. No change was determined, within the experimental errors, either in the line-shape symmetry or in the E1 critical-point threshold for the implanted samples, compared with those of crystal Si, but a sharp increase in linewidth was observed. The FDS peak-to-peak height, which describes the crystal damage in the implanted region, is related to the fractional number of dangling bonds, found to vary with 1-(Φd)β, where β≊0.33 initially followed by a transfer to 0.78 until saturation, Φ is the total dose, and Φd is a constant. Both of the sharp changes in linewidth and in dependence of the number of dangling bonds take place at the dose of 3×1013 ions cm2, attributed to the accumulated stresses in the damaged region. The relationship between dangling bonds and structural disorder is discussed. For annealed samples, FDS directly yielded a shrinking of the E1 threshold, together with a decrease in the optical response. They were found to be logarithmically dependent on impurity concentration.