Studies on tryptophan synthetases from various strains of Bacillus subtilis

1. Tryptophan synthetase B of three strains of Bacillus subtilis was prepared from ‘exo-protoplastic’ and ‘endo-protoplastic’ fractions; the enzyme from ‘exo-protoplastic’ fraction was purified 30- to 120-fold by ammonium sulphate precipitation and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography; the latter step separated this enzyme from tryptophan synthetase A, tryptophanase and proteolytic enzymes, but the purified preparations were not stable. 2. The activity of tryptophan synthetase B did not depend on the presence of tryptophan synthetase A. 3. Tryptophan synthetases B of the strains tested differed in their utilization of 2- and 7-methylindole as compared with indole; this suggests that these tryptophan synthetases B are not identical.