SUMMARY: Onchocerca volvulusproteins labelled with125I were immunoprecipitated with onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis human serum pools in order to differentiate between cross-reacting and non-cross-reacting antigens. Analysis of the immunoprecipitates by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that all high molecular weight (Mr)O. volvulusantigens cross-reacted with the lymphatic filariasis serum pools. We observed, however, that at least 80. volvulusantigens were specifically immunoprecipitated only by the onchocerciasis serum pools, with Mrranging from 20000 up to 43000 Daltons. These results suggest that the lower MrO. volvulusantigens are more species specific than the other antigens. The significance of these findings for the immunodiagnosis of onchocerciasis is discussed.