Magnetic Moment and Mass of Chlorine-36

The magnetic moment of the Cl36 nucleus was measured by observing the Zeeman splitting of the F=22 line in the electric quadrupole hyperfine pattern of the molecule CH3 Cl36 J=01, K=0 transitions). It was found to be 1.32±0.08 nuclear magnetons. The magnitude of the magnetic moment was measured by using a rectangularly cross-sectioned absorption cell with plane polarized microwave radiation, and observing the ΔM=±1 transitions. The sign of the magnetic moment was measured by using a circularly cross-sectioned absorption cell with circularly polarized microwave radiation. This allowed the ΔM=1 and the ΔM=1 transitions to be observed separately. The magnetic field was calibrated by observing the Zeeman splitting of the spectrum of CH3 Cl35. This value of magnetic moment indicates a nuclear configuration (d32)N(d32)P.