Analgesic Properties of Xylopropamine.

Summary 1) A new sympathomimetic drug, xylopropamine sulfate (1-(3,4-Dimethylphenyl)-2-Aminopropane), has been found capable of elevating the threshold of human subjects to experimentally induced pain. The method employed was electrical stimulation of the tooth pulp. There were 8 subjects and the experiment was conducted under “double blind” discipline. Five and 10 mg oral doses of xylopropamine were compared with a placebo and a “dry-run.” The average effect of the 10 mg dose was statistically superior (P<.05) to the effects of the other treatments from 90-180 minutes after medication. 2) It is provocative that xylopropamine is analgesic but apparently not analeptic, while amphetamine is both. It suggests that the two effects on the sensorium could be independent.

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