Critical fieldsHcandHc2of superconducting niobium

New measurements of the thermodynamic critical field Hc and the upper critical field Hc2 of a niobium crystal are interpreted by using realistic microscopic theory. The theory of Hc2 combined with band theory allows the Hc2 measurements to be compared with de Haas—van Alphen measurements. Eliashberg theory allows the Hc measurements to be compared with other experiments that are sensitive to the electron-phonon interaction. Our measurements of Hc2 confirm the band theory of niobium as adjusted to match de Haas—van Alphen data. Our measurements of Hc enable us to deduce the value of the electron-phonon-coupling parameter λ. Finally, we note a discrepancy between the value of the renormalization parameter 1+λ that is needed to match the Hc2 data with the band theory and the value of 1+λ that is required to give the observed Hc.