Near-threshold infrared photodetachment ofAl: A determination of the electron affinity of aluminum and the range of validity of the Wigner law

The relative photodetachment cross section of Al has been measured in the wavelength range 2420–2820 nm (0.440–0.512 eV), using a coaxial ion-laser beams apparatus, in which a 2.98-keV Al beam is merged with a beam from an F-center laser. The cross-section data near the 3 P0,1,2 2 P1/2,3/2 photodetachment threshold have been fitted to the Wigner threshold law and to the zero-core-contribution theory of photodetachment. The electron affinity of aluminum was determined to be 0.44094(+0.00066/-0.00048) eV, after correcting the experimental threshold for unresolved fine structure in the ground states of Al and Al. The new measurement is in agreement with the best previous measurement (0.441±0.010 eV) and is 20 times more precise. The Wigner law agrees with experiment within a few percent for photon energies within 3% of threshold. A proposed leading correction to the Wigner law is discussed. © 1996 The American Physical Society.