Magnetic Susceptibilities of Transition Elements in Host Crystals. II.Ni2+in ZnO and CdS

The magnetic susceptibilities of Ni2+-doped ZnO and CdS crystals have been measured along and perpendicular to the trigonal crystalline axes over the temperature range of 28-500°K. The magnetic susceptibilities of both crystals approach constant values at low temperature and decrease more rapidly with increasing temperature at T>60°K. An unusually large magnetic anisotropy is observed for Ni2+: ZnO. The non-Curie behavior can be explained on the basis that the ground state of Ni2+ is nonmagnetic (A1) and the temperature-dependent susceptibility arises mainly from the ions in the first two excited states (A2 and E). By fitting the theoretical susceptibilities to the experimental values, the spin-orbit coupling constant of Ni2+: ZnO is obtained as -175±25 cm1 and the trigonal field splitting of the T1[T3(F)] state (the lowest T1 state) as 100±10 cm1. The corresponding quantities for Ni2+: CdS are -170±10 cm1 and 10±4 cm1. In both crystals the A2 component of the T1[T3(F)] state lies below the E level. The large reduction of the spin-orbit coupling constant from the free-ion value indicates a rather strong covalency between the Ni2+ ion and the ligands. Combination of the trigonal splittings of the T1[T13(F)] state with those of T2[T13(P)] observed in the optical spectra leads to a determination of the trigonal field parameters. The experimental values of the trigonal parameters are consistent with those calculated by using the point-charge model and assuming a local contraction of the lattice with a slightly larger contraction for the three anions off the trigonal axis than for the one on the axis.