Intrarenal mechanisms of salt retention after bile duct ligation in rats.

In order to study renal salt-retaining mechanisms during the early stages of ascites formation, rats were subjected to bile duct ligation. After this procedure, plasma volumes were found to be reduced and hematocrits slightly increased. The whole-kidney glomberular filtration rate and plasma flows were reduced to 59 and 57% of control values, but the filtration fraction was unchanged. Absolute sodium excretion, as well as the fraction of the filtered sodium load excreted, was also significantly reduced. When micropuncture techniques were used to examine the function of single superficial nephrons, the glomerular filtration rate in these nephrons was found to be reduced to 70% of controlled values, and fractional reabsorption was found to be increased at all accessible sites along the nephron. Filtration by intermediate and juxtamedullary nephrons, determined by Hanssen's technique, was reduced to 55 and 48% of control values. By the use of radioactive microspheres, it was demonstrated that blood flow to superficial, intermediate, and juxtamedullary nephrons was reduced to 49, 59, and 73% of control values. Filtration by superficial nephrons decreased much more than plasma flow--a finding which suggests that the measured increase in fractional reabsorption was associated with an increase in the superficial nephron filtration fraction. From this study, it appears that two factors play an important part in the sodium retention observed in the initial stages of ascites formation following bile duct ligation in rats: (a) a decrease in the filtered sodium load and (b) increased fractional reabsorption by the superficial nephrons--the nephrons which show the least decrease in filtration.