Polydioxanone or polypropylene for closure of midline abdominal incisions: A prospective comparative clinical trial

Seven hundred and fifty-seven consecutive patients undergoing a midline abdominal incision were stratified according to age, sex, type of operation and degree of operative contamination and were randomly allocated to mass closure of the abdominal wall with continuous 4 metric polydioxanone (PDX; 374 patients) or continuous 4 metric polypropylene (PPL; 383 patients). Wound infection was less common with PDX (PDX 3·5 per cent; PPL 7·0 per cent; P < 0·05) and there was one dehiscence in each group. The incidence of defective wounds in patients surviving 1 year was similar (7·7 per cent PDX; 9·7 per cent PPL) but the PPL suture had to be removed because of persisting wound pain or sinus formation in five patients. PDX is the preferred suture material for closure of midline abdominal incisions.