The Effect of “Tween 80,” Bovine Albumin, Glycerol, and Glucose on the Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hominis (H37Rv)

Unpurified "Tween 80" (0.05%) markedly inhibited the growth rate of virulent tubercle bacilli (H37Rv) in modified Proskauer and Beck synthetic media. Purified Tween 80 (0.05%) exerted a similar bacteriostatic effect, but to a lesser degree. The same inhibitory effect of this surface-active agent was noted using Dubos basal medium. Glucose and glycerol markedly stimulated the rate of growth. Although purified Tween 80 inhibited growth in the presence of glucose and glycerol, it stimulated growth slightly in the absence of these agents. Bovine serum albumin (fraction V; 0.2%) did not stimulate growth of the tubercle bacillus; protected tubercle bacilli against the inhibitory effect of purified and unpurified Tween 80 (0.05%), but only during the first 5 days of growth. The modified P and B synthetic medium containing 2% glycerol supported growth of tubercle bacilli at a maximum rate for a longer period than the Dubos medium containing 0.2% glucose.