Upper Limits on the DecayD0→μ+μ−and onD0−D¯0Mixing

As a by-product to the study of muon pairs produced by 255-Ge V/c pions, data from Fermilab yield upper limits on the decay D0μ+μ and on D0D¯0 mixing. An unrestricted sample of 122 630 unlike-sign muon pairs allows a 90%-C.L. (confidence level) upper limit of 1.1×105 to be placed on the branching ratio of the charm-changing neutral-current decay D0μ+μ. From a sample of 3973 like-sign muon pairs, the ratio r=Γ(D¯0μ+X)Γ(D¯0μX) is determined to be r<5.6×103 at 90% C.L.