A previous investigation indicated that less brain CO2 was derived from glucose in psychotic patients than in normal subjects and suggested pyruvate and/or lactate as the site(s) of dilution. In this report more direct determinations, using glucose-3-C14, pyruvate-1-C14, dl-lactate-1-C14, d-lactic-1-C14 and l-lactic-1-C14 acids as substrates, have corroborated the decreased cerebral oxidation of carbohydrate by chronic mental patients and indicated pyruvate as the metabolic level at which protein and/or lipid intermediate(s) caused increased dilution. After glucose-3-C14 injection 35% of brain CO2 was derived from glucose in the mental patient and 54% in the normal subject. With pyruvate-1-C14 initial values for brain C14O2 activities were lower in mental patients. Using dl-lactate-1-C14 over-all body metabolism was reduced in psychotics, whereas brain catabolism was similar to that of normal subjects. Cerebral oxidation of d-lactic-1-C14 acid was greater in mental patients although over-all body metabolism showed little difference from normal subjects. Using the l-isomer both body and brain catabolism were decreased in mental patients. Submitted on April 28, 1960