Search forS=+1Baryon States in Photoproduction

A search has been carried out for S=+1 baryon states (Z particles) in photoproduction on hydrogen with a missing-mass spectrometer by analyzing the structure in the K yield as a function of end-point bremsstrahlung energy for fixed laboratory production angles and momentum. Data were taken at the three laboratory angles θK=10°, 15°, and 20° to check the predictable kinematic behavior of two-body final-state reactions. The synchrotron energy was varied from 3.5 to 6.0 BeV, which corresponds to a missing-mass range of 1.6-2.5 BeV for a laboratory momentum of 2.5 BeV/c. A fit to the excitation function at θK=10° suggests structure in addition to a smooth background, while the θK=15° data can be adequately fitted with a smooth background alone. Upper limits for photoproduction cross sections for each S=+1 state at θK=10° and 15° are, respectively, 20 and 4 nb/sr in the center-of-mass system.