Decay of the Cerium-139 Isomers

The decay of the 140-day ground state of Ce139 has been reinvestigated. A 4π scintillation spectrometer has been used to show that K-electron capture transitions between ground states is less than one percent of all K-electron captures. The same instrument has been used to measure the fraction of all transitions which terminate at the 166-kev level due to K-electron capture, and also has been used to determine the conversion coefficient of the 166-kev transition. The K-conversion coefficient was found to be 0.22±0.01. K-electron capture accounts for 73% of all transitions to the 166-kev level. The energy available for decay to the excited level is 104±6 kev as computed from the experimental capture ratio. A value of 0.88±0.01 was obtained for the K-fluorescence yield at Z of 57 from beta-ray spectrometer measurements and coincidence counting. An isomeric level of 740±5 kev above the ground state of Ce139 has been found. The half-life of the transition is 55±3 sec and its K-conversion coefficient is 0.08±0.02. Mass and element assignments have been established and approximate cross sections for activation of each level in Ce139 by the (n, γ) reaction on Ce138 in the graphite reactor have been determined.