Nucleon Transfer inB10(N14,N13)B11,B10(N14,C11)C13, andCa40(N14,N13)Ca41Reactions

Thin targets of B10 and Ca40 were bombarded with N14 ions from the Oak Ridge tandem van de Graaff accelerator. Ranges, angular distributions dσ(θ)dΩ, and total cross sections σ(E) were obtained by measuring the activities of the positron emitters N13 and C11 formed in the neutron and proton transfer reactions. The B10(N14,N13)B11 reaction was shown to involve primarily ground states of B11 at an incident energy of 16.3 MeV. The angular-distribution data for this reaction were found, in their dependence on angle, to be consistent with tunneling-theory calculations. [Although cross-section calculations with the tunneling theory have been limited to the N14(N14,N13)N15 reaction, the angular dependence calculated for the differential cross section can be used for other reactions.] A reduced width for the transferred neutron could not be determined, however, because of the specialization of the calculations to the N14(N14,N13)N15 reaction. In the B10(N14,C11)C13 reaction, the protons transfer to both the ground state and first excited state of C13, but no transfers involving the first excited state of C11 were observed. For the Ca40(N14,N13)Ca41 experiments, reactions were found at the higher energies measured (>27.5 MeV) which led to excited states as well as to the ground state of Ca41. Again, the angular distributions were found to be consistent with the tunneling process. Total-cross-section data were also obtained which can be used for a neutron reduced-width determination in Ca41 when the theory has been extended to this reaction (with the reservation that there is no evidence available that only one state in Ca41 is involved in the transfer-process energies below 27.5 MeV).