Deuterons of 9.1, 8.3, and 7.4 Mev were used to produce (d, p) reactions in Pb206 and Bi209 targets. The proton differential cross section was measured for different Q values, each of which corresponds to a final state of known assignment. With one exception, all of the observed angular distributions were broad peaks with maxima near 180°. The theoretical approximations which apply for low deuteron energy predict a Gaussian distribution peaked in the backward direction. Although the measured distributions are not of Gaussian form, a comparison of the measured and predicted width variation with Q shows fair agreement with one theoretical result and poor agreement with the other. For the reaction with the highest Q(4.5 Mev) a peak near 120° was observed. This more forward peak would be expected both from a reduced Coulomb effect and from the influence of the nuclear potential on the proton. As expected when the Coulomb field is dominant, there was only a small observed correlation between the measured angular distribution and the angular momentum of the captured neutron. In a few cases, triton angular distributions from (d, t) reactions were measured, and these also showed peaks at large scattering angles.