Beryllium Deuteride Spectra

The spectra of the BeD green bands and of the ultraviolet BeD+ bands have been photographed at high dispersion. A Be arc in a deuterium atmosphere was the source. Rotational analyses of the BeD bands, and rotational and vibrational analyses of the BeD+ bands are presented. The electronic isotope shift in the ultraviolet system is 0.8 cm1. The values Be*=5.6807 for the lower state of BeD and Be*=5.9546 for the lower state of BeD+ are found. Comparison of these values with the corresponding values of the hydrides gives ratios 0.55110 and 0.55073, respectively, whereas ρ2=0.55060. Calculation of the J. L. Dunham corrections to Be for the anharmonic oscillator are shown to affect the Be ratio inappreciably. The variation of the ratio of the Be*'s from ρ2 and the small electronic isotope shift are briefly discussed.