The Band Spectra of the Hydrides of Lithium Part I:Li(7)D

The Σ1Σ1 spectrum of LiD has been photographed in absorption in the second order of a 21-foot grating giving a dispersion of 1A/mm. The spectrum is a headless concourse of lines stretching from λ3200 to λ4300A. About 80 percent of the lines (over 1400 in all) have been measured and assigned to 35 two-branch bands. The initial and final double differences, Δ2Fv and Δ2Fv, for Li(7)D have been represented as functions of J by a semigraphical method; these represent the observed data on the average to within ±0.023 cm1 for the upper state and ±0.019 cm1 for the ground state. This gives Be=1.6060, De=4.8×104, Be=4.2338 and De=2.756×104. By using the rotational constants so determined the origins of the bands involved were computed and the values of ΔG(v+12) and ΔG(v+12) represented by least-square expressions in (v+12). The ΔG-values require a fifth degree polynomial while the ΔG values are represented closely by a cubic. The corresponding expression for the origins of the whole system represents the data with an average deviation of ±0.04 cm1. Here ωe=183.12, wexe=12.741,

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