A patient with Hodgkin''s disease in her fifth month of pregnancy developed large tumor masses in both lung fields. She also developed persistent cough, tachypnea, tachycardia and daily temperature elevations as high as 103cF., and failed to gain weight. When X-ray therapy to the right lower lung field (872r tumor dose) failed to control the patient''s symptoms and progressive tumor she was started on vinblastine sulfate 0.1 mg/kg weekly. She received 47.8 mg of vinblastine sulfate intravenously in nine divided doses. Her clinical condition improved remarkably. She became afebrile and gained 24 1/2 lbs. in two months up to the point of delivery. No signs of drug toxicity occurred. A normal appearing 6 lb. 11 oz. boy was delivered following a normal labor of seven hours. The dangers of radiation therapy to the fetus even when the port is at a site distant from the fetus, as well as the dangers of chemotherapy during pregnancy, are discussed.