Radio-Frequency Orientation ofAs76

Measurements are reported on the successful orientation of 26-hour As76 donors in a doped silicon crystal. A general discussion is given of the various methods of dynamic nuclear orientation and how they apply to As76. The use of radio-frequency orientation to determine the sign of the nuclear magnetic moment and the mixture of total angular momenta carried off by the electron-neutrino system is discussed. As76 has been oriented by both saturation of forbidden transitions and double resonance methods. The hyperfine splitting of As75 in the doped silicon crystal is +198.42±0.04 Mc/sec; the hyperfine splitting of As76 in the same crystal is -93.660±0.06 Mc/sec. The spin of As76 has been shown to be 2; its gyromagnetic ratio, -0.4514. The determination of the relative amounts of angular momenta carried off by the 22+, 2.41-Mev beta ray gives a result which is consistent with 5 parts L=0, 2 parts L=1, and 3 parts L=2. An unknown systematic error in these last measurements makes it difficult to say precisely what the mixture is. Unsuccessful attempts to produce orientation through the Overhauser and Abragam methods are summarized.