Minimum-Principle Calculation of the Positron-Hydrogens-Wave Phase Shift

The recently developed improved minimum principle for single-channel scattering is applied to a study of the s-wave elastic-scattering phase shift η0 of positrons by atomic hydrogen. The method requires the exact solution of the static one-body equation and of the corresponding static Green's function, and also the orthogonalization of the trial function to the hydrogenic ground-state wave function. The radial part of the trial function QΨt is chosen to be of the exponential-polynomial form, with linear and nonlinear variational parameters; to simplify the orthogonalization, QΨt is expanded in Legendre polynomials whose argument is the cosine of the angle between the coordinate vectors of the electron and the positron. Rigorous lower bounds are obtained on η0 at various energies. The calculation includes the contributions from hydrogenic states with angular momentum l up to l=5. For each energy, an estimate is made by extrapolation of the true contribution to η0 from 0l5, and this estimate is used in turn to estimate the contribution from l>5 to η0. The rigorous lower bounds obtained and the estimates are compared with previous estimates of η0.