Sex pheromone chemistry of the western spruce budwormChoristoneura occidentalis Free

SCOT capillary Chromatographic and SCOT capillary chromatographic-mass spectrometic analyses of gland washes and effluvia of virgin femaleChoristoneura occidentalis Free, have been conducted with both a diapausing and nondiapausing strain of this insect. The following compounds were identified in gland washes and effluvia in both strains:E andZ11–14∶Ald,E andZ11–14∶Ac,E andZ11–14∶OH and 14∶Ald, 14∶Ac, and 14∶OH. The average aldehyde: acetate: alcohol ratio found by analysis of single glands by virgin females (nondiapausing strain) was 1∶7∶0.73. Analysis of virgin female effluvia gave this ratio as 10∶3∶8 (diapausing strain: %Z=8, 11, 15, respectively) and 10∶3∶6 (nondiapausing strain: %Z=8, 11, 12, respectively). The saturated components were generally 1–2% of theE isomer in each case. Comparisons of EAG responses of bothC. occidentalis andC. fumiferana toE11–14∶Ald,E11–14∶Ac andE11–14∶OH were made. Correlations with both laboratory and field data previously published were also made betweenC. fumiferana andC. occidentalis.