Absolute emission cross sections for electron-impact excitation ofZn+(4p P2)and (5s S2) terms. I

Absolute emission cross sections for electron-impact excitation of the 3d104p P2 and 3d105s S2 terms of Zn+ have been measured from below threshold to about 790 eV (P2) and 388 eV (S2) using the crossed-charged-beams technique. Both transitions have the abrupt onset at threshold characteristic of positive-ion excitation. The P2 cross section shows considerable structure in the interval from threshold to near 20 eV, above which it falls off smoothly. Agreement with five-state close-coupling theory is excellent below 100 eV when cascading is included in the theory. Above 100 eV, the data lie above the theory. The peak value of the P2 cross section is 9.4×1016 cm2 essentially at threshold, while the peak value of the S2 cross section is about 0.47×1016 cm2. The net linear polarization of the 3d104p P2 emission was measured (unresolved from the 3d104d D23d104p P2 cascading transition), and these data were used to correct the cross-section data for anisotropy of the emitted light. The effective lifetime of the 3d94s2D322 level was measured by observing exponential decay of the 589.6-nm photons resulting from its decay.