The influence of growth conditions on selenium incorporation in GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy

An electrochemical cell Pt/Ag/AgI/Ag2Se/Pt has been used as a highly controllable source of Se2 for n-type doping of GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Se is incorporated with 100% efficiency under all normal MBE conditions up to growth temperatures of 620 °C. Above this temperature doping is still possible but with reduced efficiency. The general behavior is similar to that already reported for sulfur doping, with the added advantage that doping can be extended to temperatures some 30 °C higher in the case of Se. Chemical analysis has confirmed that when doping efficiency is reduced, it is due to actual loss of Se. Thermodynamic analysis indicates that loss as Ga2Se is to be expected under all conditions studied, so successful doping is due to kinetic barriers to this loss reaction. Excess As4 is shown to hinder the loss of Ga2Se even further.