Xenon-dimer-laser net-gain measurements

The gain of the vacuum‐ultraviolet xenon‐dimer laser was evaluated by employing a double‐pass technique with spectral filtering of the probe radiation. At the wavelength center of the continuum‐emission spectrum (λ0 ?1720 Å), the net‐gain coefficient at pressures less than 1.1×104 Torr was found to be g0= (1.05±0.2) ×10−25Ps cm1, where Ps is the spontaneous‐emisssion intensity of the continuum‐emission band in units of photons/sec cm3. By comparison of laser‐output waveforms with temporally resolved net‐gain measurements, it is shown that the laser intensity is limited by an unidentified time‐dependent loss mechanism that is either foreign to the excited medium or that is driven by the laser radiation. While we do not know the source of this mechanism, our observations show that this time‐dependent loss mechanism is not associated with the lasing states of the xenon dimer. At very high pressures (≳1.3×104 Torr) the effects of photoscattering by the background xenon were found to reduce the value of g0.