Volume dependence of magnetic hyperfine fields in Eu-intermetallic compounds

High-pressure Mössbauer studies on Eu151 intermetallics (EuAl2, EuAl4, EuCu2, EuCu5, EuSn3, Eu0.5 Yb0.5 Sn3, EuZn2, and EuPt2) provide information about the volume dependence of the effective hyperfine field Beff at the Eu2+ nucleus. These measurements have been performed at 4.2 K and pressures up to 65 kbar. The results show that (i) the volume dependence of the transferred hyperfine field Bthf is the dominating contribution to BefflnV; (ii) the magnitude of BthflnV can be explained only if one assumes the participation of s, p, and d conduction electrons in the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction responsible for Bthf; and (iii) the exchange integrals for non-s conduction electrons (Jp,f and/or Jd,f) are more sensitive to volume changes than that for s conduction electrons (Js,f).

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