Two-Photon Mechanism of Particle Production by High-Energy Colliding Beams

We report on the calculation of the cross sections for the production of positive-charge-conjugation states such as π0, η, e+e, μ+μ, and π+π by a two-photon mechanism in ee+ and ee collisions. We give the precise relationship of the process e+ee+e+X (X isany C=+ state) to the corresponding two-photon annihilation process γ+γX, as well as a careful derivation of the equivalent-photon approximation. In the case of the π0 production, we have found that, for the beam energy E in the 1-3 GeV range, the exact total cross section is 20-30% larger than the one calculated previously in the equivalent-photon approximation. However, the introduction of form factors cuts down the exact total cross section, reducing it to within 10% of the equivalent-photon-approximation result. For η production the agreement is even better. Thus it appears that the use of the equivalent-photon approximation is justified in most cases. We discuss detailed angular distributions in this approximation for the case of π+π production. One important problem which cannot be adequately studied in the equivalent-photon approximation is the degree of noncoplanarity of the π+π (and the μ+μ) pair. We have studied this problem using the exact formula and found that, for E=1 GeV, typically 40-50% of pion pairs will be produced with the noncoplanarity angle greater than 12°. We discuss the general structure of the γ+γπ++π amplitude as well as a simple model incorporating the σ meson. We also give a rough estimate of multihadron production cross sections.