Fragment-Mass and Kinetic-Energy Distributions from the Spontaneous Fission ofCm246

Energies of coincident fission fragments from a thin, spontaneously fissioning Cm246 source were measured with silicon surface-barrier detectors. Pre-neutron-emission mass and total-kinetic-energy distributions were deduced from the data. The average pre-neutron-emission fragment total kinetic energy E¯K was found to be 184.2 MeV, in agreement with Cm245 (n,f) results. The mass distribution has a peak-to-valley ratio of 142, and is similar to those from other spontaneously fissioning nuclei. Fine structure in the mass distributions from Cm245(n,f), Cm246(sf), and Cm250(sf) appears to be associated with fragments of mass 144 amu. Predictions for E¯K from fission systematics were not found to describe adequately the observed E¯K values for the spontaneous fission of Cm isotopes.