Relativistic theory of neutron form factors

We derive, for the first time, an expression for the generalized susceptibility χ(G+q,q) of a metal by using a relativistic treatment based on the Dirac equation and linear response theory (q is the wave vector and G is a reciprocal-lattice vector). The induced-moment form factor is calculated in the q→0 limit and is expressed as a sum of three terms, χ(G,0)=χo(G,0)+χs(G,0)+χso(G,0). χo(G,0) and χs(G,0), which also contain spin-orbit effects, reduce to the induced orbital and spin form factors obtained earlier in the nonrelativistic limit provided we use the same approximations. χso(G,0) is an explicit spin-orbit contribution which has no analog in the nonrelativistic limit. Our theory for neutron form factor is valid for G to be in any arbitrary direction while in the earlier (nonrelativistic) theories, G was restricted to be perpendicular to the magnetic field. Our expressions for χo(G,0) and χso(G,0) are also free from any divergences, while in the earlier theories each of these expressions contained divergent terms in the q→0 limit which cancel only for a finite crystal. Our theory for induced magnetic form factor should be important in the analysis of the neutron scattering data of heavy transition metals in which spin-orbit interactions are important.