The pH-optimum for acetylcholineaterase in whole serum was the same for 200 patients. Five showed 2 pH-optlma in whole sera for the cleavage of benzoylchollne. Cases, showing 2 pH-optima for the hydrolysis of benzoylcholine, were all hyperllpemic with arterosclerotic metabolism (corresponding values for neutral fat, cholesteral, endogenous lipoprotein lipase and [beta]-lipoproteins). The serum of young, healthy subjects was resolved by preparative starch gel electrophoresls. Two specific serum acetylcholinesterases were isolated together with 11 unspecific enzymes, which hydrolyse [alpha]-naphthylesters, benzoylcholine, butyrylcholine and tributyrin. These 11 unspecific enzymes differ from one another by their pH-optimum and the optimum chain length of the fatty acid in the a-naphthyl ester substrate. The 2 specific acetylcholinesterases differ in their pH-optima and in the sometimes powerful effect of various inhibitors. Suggestions for nomenclature are made on the basis of these findings.