The electrical resistivity ρ and the thermal diffusivity a of gadolinium have been measured as functions of T in the range 45400 K. The thermal conductivity λ has been calculated from a and experimental data for the specific-heat capacity, cp. λ can be analyzed in terms of simple models for the lattice and electronic components above the Curie temperature TC≃291.4 K. Below TC an additional term, identified as a magnon (spin-wave) thermal conductivity λm, is found. ρ and λ have also been studied as functions of T and P in the range 150400 K and 02.5 GPa. The Lorenz function L=ρλ/T increases by about 20%/GPa under pressure due to a very strong pressure dependence of the lattice thermal conductivity. The pressure coefficients of ρ and λ are -5.1×102 and 0.22 GPa1, respectively, at 300 K (above TC), and 0 and 0.16 GPa1 at 200 K (below TC). TC and the spin-reorganization temperature Tr≃219 K both decrease under pressure, at the rates -14.0 and -22.0 K/GPa, respectively. Although the magnitude of λm cannot be accurately calculated from the zero-pressure data for λ, the temperature dependence of dλ/dP allows us to distinguish between several models and assign a value of λm≃1.5 W m1 K1, or 16.0% of λ, at 200 K.