Histocompatibility Determinants in Israeli Jewish Patients with Coeliac Disease: Population and Family Study

The association between HLA and coeliac disease (CD) was studied in the Jewish population of Israel. A total of 112 patients were typed for HLA‐A,B,C antigens, including 67 patients whose families were typed in order to deduce the genotypes. Forty‐seven patients were typed for HLA‐DR antigens. The HLA‐A,B,C data show a pattern of association, which is similar to that found in European CD patients: HLA‐B8 is increased, although to a lower degree; a suggestive, insignificant increase for Aw30, B13 and Cw6 and a decrease of Bw35 were noted. The DR antigens DR3 and DR7 are associated with CD in the Jewish population. An excess of DR3/DR7 heterozygotes was noted. The data from family and population studies support a model in which two different HLA‐DR associated genes are intereacting.