Automatic synthesis of asynchronous circuits from high-level specifications

The authors construct a processor design approach that does not require the distribution of a clocking signal. To facilitate design of processors that use fully asynchronous components, the first step is to design hazard-free asynchronous interconnection circuits. To this end, a deterministic algorithm was developed to synthesize asynchronous interconnection circuits from high-level specifications. This approach systematically designs correct asynchronous interconnection circuits with the weakest possible constraints and minimal overhead. The authors are primarily concerned with the synthesis of nonmetastable circuits, even though the procedure is also valid of metastable circuit synthesis. The synthesized logic is hazard-free and guaranteed to have the fastest operation according to a behavioral specification. A high-level description is used to specify circuit behavior, not only for a simpler input format, but also as a basis for determining the final optimum designs. Automatic synthesis and the ability to localize the timing considerations reduce design effort when systems become complex

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