Inclusive cross sections and angular distributions in Reggeon field theory

We use the Reggeon field-theory rules for inclusive reactions to study those processes in the triple-Regge region. We first show that at asymptotic energies the dominant Reggeon graphs have a single Pomeron connected to external fast particles. We construct the sum of these dominant graphs by obtaining the infrared forms of the Pomeron propagator and triple-Pomeron vertex. This is done by an expanded set of renormalization-group equations which allow one to determine the separate dependencies on all momenta and energies. As a by-product we obtain the momentum-transfer dependence of dσdt in 2→2 processes. The inclusive cross section is discussed in detail as to its dependence on momentum transfer and missing mass, and we verify that there is no violation of s-channel unitarity when Pomerons interact among themselves. We also estimate the energy at which our asymptotic forms start to become valid.