Interactions in small systems of coupled Josephson junctions at microwave frequencies

A major factor in the practical utilization of any Josephson device for microwave and higher frequency applications (such as the generation and detection of electromagnetic radiation) is the success with which the junction device can be coupled to an external transmission line. As part of an experimental investigation of the electrodynamics of small arrays of Josephson tunnel junctions, the properties of the coherent radiation emitted both by individual junctions and by coupled junction systems have been studied at frequencies between 2 and 12 GHz. Near 9 GHz, more than 10-9 W of coherent radiation has been detected from a single Pb-Pb oxide-Pb junction coupled via waveguide. The development of thin film devices in which the tunnel junctions form part of a microstrip line have made it feasible to observe directly (in a single device) the radiation emitted both at the fundamental geometrical frequency and at the low order harmonics. The observed temperature dependence of the junction cavity Q indicate the low temperature losses are primarily due to cavity loading of the external transmission line