Bulk silicides and Si-metal interface reaction:Pd2Si

We report synchrotron-radiation photoemission studies of cleaved Pd2Si in which we use 4d Cooper minimum and 4p4d resonance techniques to identify the bonding Si pPd d states 3.5-6.5 eV below EF, the Si s states at 9.3 eV, the nonbonding Pd 4d states centered at 2.5 eV, and hybridized Si-Pd or Pd sp states within 1.5 eV of EF. The resonant photoemission technique was shown to yield detailed information about the orbital character of the valence states and to be applicable in principle to all Sid-metal systems. Comparison of bulk Pd2Si with palladium silicide thermally grown on Si(111) shows the main 4d emission feature at 2.8 eV shifted 0.3 eV to higher binding energy relative to bulk Pd2Si, an increased full width at half maximum (2.5 versus 1.5 eV), and substantially greater emission from Si p- metal d bonding states. This confirms that the palladium silicide formed on Si is Si rich near the silicide-vacuum interface and shows that the electronic structure of the uppermost silicide layers differs from that of bulk Pd2Si.