Experimental studies have been made on junctions prepared by alloying indium into silicon wafers. The junctions made using n‐type silicon, the resistivity of which ranges from 0.02 to 100 Ωcm, have good Ohmic characteristics, whereas the junctions made using p‐type silicon, in the range of resistivities from 0.05 to 50 Ωcm, indicate rectifying characteristics like ordinary p‐n junctions. From the measurement of thermoelectric voltages on recrystallized layers, electrical characteristics, and capacitance of the junctions, it has been concluded that the recrystallized layer containing indium atoms showed n‐type electrical conductivity. The carrier concentration in these layers is estimated to be about 1017 cm−3 near the junction side and about 1019 cm−3 near the indium dot.